Experimenting with Svelte and PostHog
by Endrit Maxhuni, Software Engineer
1. Embedding experimentation in the foundations
With testing at the heart of what mylah do, we knew that having the ability to run A/B tests on the new site was crucial to getting the basics right.
Utilising PostHog and their amazing platform, we have kick started testing for the team at HotDraw UK. We spent time developing custom dashboards within the platform to help visualise the data better.
Along with session recordings, heatmaps and funnel annalysis, we created a precise backlog of experiments, prioritised based on potential impact.
Top tip
2. The first few
With the first few tests live, we've had results back already. Understanding the ideal ticket amount on site is something the team at HotDraw UK wanted to better understand.
Starting out as a simple A/B to understand results, the iterations have now developed into multi-variant experiments with 4 variations. Narrowing down on the learnings from the previous test.
3. Results, results, result.
A clear winner and an opened barrel of questions to now answer. We descovered a clear faviroute with ticket quantities that shown a difference of 639 conversion in control compared to 145 in test. Meaning that a suggested change is prevented.
Saving time, money and headaches.